Effects of grape pomace extract on the quality and shelf life of silver carp (Hypophthalmicthys molitrix) fillets during chill storage

Shirin Hasani, Ebrahim Alizadeh, Mostafa Yousef Elahi


The effects of grape pomace extract (0, 2 and 4%) on quality and shelf life of silver carp (Hypophthalmicthys molitrix) fillets during chill storage (4°C) were investigated. The control and the treated fillets were analyzed periodically for microbiological (TVC and PTC), chemical (TVB-N), and sensory characteristics. The results showed that grape pomace-treated samples have lower TVB-N (24.2 and 21.2 mg N/100 g, respectively), TVC (7.33 and 7.09 log cfu/g, respectively) and PTC (7.26 and 7.03 log cfu/g, respectively) at the end of the storage period. The results revealed that the addition of grape pomace extract has a positive effect on the sensory quality of silver carp fillets by retaining proper quality characteristics for a longer time and extends their shelf life during chill storage.


Grape pomace, TVB-N, Sensory analysis, Antimicrobial.



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